重人才、抓管理、拓市场、增效益Attach importance to talents,focus on management,IExpand the market,and increase benefits
津津新闻,资讯阅览,尽在掌中Jinjin News, information reading, all in hand
高质量的产品、优秀的服务、合理的价格High quality products, excellent services, reasonable prices
创新为核心,品质为生命Innovation as the core,quality as life
人生没有白走的路,每一步都是追逐梦想的脚步There is no road in life that goes in vain, every step is a step towards pursuing dreams
两项发明专利、27项实用新型专利、国家高新技术企业Two invention patents, 24 utility model patents, national high-tech enterprises
信谊津津是最早通过国家GMP认证的企业之一Xinyi Jinjin is one of the earliest enterprises to pass the national GMP certification
奋楫扬帆、劈波前行,在新的起点翻开新的一页Sailing and chopping through waves, turning a new page at a new starting point
企业荣誉Corporate Honors
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